
The Curse of Churn … time to put the plug in!

When businesses want to grow, their first instinct is often to advertise. But there’s an easier, equally effective and longer lasting way of increasing sales. Most owners of small to medium sized enterprises/businesses (SMEs) have an underlying desire to grow their businesses. It’s born of a material wish to make more profit, but possibly reinforced...


The Efficiency Fallacy

Businesses have been trying to improve their efficiencies for over a hundred years, but few have actually reaped the full benefit from it. Here's why ...


Your COVID-19 Exit Strategy – How To Stand Above The Crowd

Thankfully the number of COVID-19 cases and deaths appears to now be subsiding here in Australia, and “the curve” is flattening. Now is the time for businesses to prepare for the brakes being slowly released and to ensure they are in good shape to steal a march on the competition when the lights turn green....


Building solid, reliable, high performing teams: A case study

In all my experience, in businesses from small, family owned to household name multinationals, across a variety of industries and across three continents, that is what stands out as the most common, most persistent and toughest problem facing all businesses. At the root of this is the fact that all people are individuals; they’re all...