What I Do
I formed the Road To Growth Business Advisory to help SME owners sustainably grow their business. More specifically, I help owners who found growth relatively easy in the early years but now, no matter how hard they work, find it increasingly difficult.
After a lengthy career working internationally in a wide range of businesses and industries, I’ve been fortunate enough to both witness and experience what helps businesses become successful … and what holds them back! This leaves me uniquely placed to help business owners : –
- Change the way they think about their business
- Focus their attention on the handful of crucial areas within their business
- Prepare for the challenges that growth itself will present
- Ensure that any future growth will be sustainable
- Start turning the ambitions they initially had for both their business and, importantly, themselves into reality
I believe remote delivery is possible for some parts of the programmes. However, I do feel it best to deliver most parts face-to-face if clients are to get maximum benefit. Being based in Brisbane, I presently restrict clients to those within an area bordered by the Gold Coast in the south, the Sunshine Coast to the north, and Toowoomba in the west.
My Philosophy
My Approach
The Programmes
My Philosophy
There are no end of advisors, consultants and specialists who will come in to fix a specific, operational problem for you and disappear. When the repercussions of this change are felt elsewhere in the business, you then call them (or another specialist) in again, and so on.
For those of you familiar with the saying “Give someone a fish and you feed them for a day; teach someone to fish and you feed them for a lifetime”, I will be ‘teaching you to fish’. In other words, I will be giving you the tools and knowledge that will enable you to take control of your business, get it on the road to growth, and keep it there for the long term. This is not a short-term solution, nor is it a solution to a short-term problem. This knowledge and these tools will stay with you for the rest of your business career.
I truly believe this is the best possible way to help SME owners sustainably grow their business. With this approach the dreams you held when you first started the business will start to become reality. You may even have more free time to go fishing!
My Approach
If you’re like most owners you’re time-poor, meaning you don’t have time to devote to fixing your business. If so, we’ll follow the next four steps : –
- We’ll meet to identify with you the issue(s) that consume most of your time.
- Together we’ll decide the steps we need to take and agree a plan of action with you.
- You then implement the necessary changes (with my guidance/assistance) in order to reduce the demands on your time. (You can put this time to better use later).
- Together we’ll monitor and measure the results of these changes, and refine the process until the desired outcome is achieved.
Once we get the immediate issues identified and under control, reducing your stress levels, we’ll look at longer-term issues. This will involve introducing you to some of the strategic and operational management techniques that will boost your business’ performance, profitability and sustainability. As you develop an understanding of each topic we’ll then work on you applying your newly-found knowledge to your business.
Again, for each topic we’ll monitor the results to see how effective the changes have been. If we don’t see the results we anticipated, we’ll analyse why, and make any required changes until we do.
The Programmes
Throughout this process I use a flexible framework that allows me to tailor my advice and approach to where your business is in the typical corporate lifecycle. In practice this translates into three programmes, each of which is aimed at a different stage of that lifecycle.
These programmes are built around core content, but with the flexibility to tailor their application to each client’s needs.
- The Foundation programme takes a ‘simple to implement’ approach to generate quick returns.
- The Business Essentials programme specifically addresses the critical areas of focus to ensure the sustainable, profitable growth of your business. This programme will be appropriate for most businesses.
- The Business Excellence programme is aimed at businesses that have mastered those areas addressed in the Business Essentials programme, and who now wish to lift themselves to the next level, to become leaders in their fields.
If you’d like to find out more about my approach or the programmes click here